If you’re interested in writing for us, you might be in luck. If your work’s top notch, we’ll be more than happy to feature your work on our website and for our audience. Whether it’s about city planning, architecture, city life, transportation, culture or anything else related to these subjects, we’d love to give you a platform to share your work.
In order to qualify, there are a few rules and guidelines:
- Send us an email at hello@londonplanningawards.com or use our contact form with the subject line “Guest Post/Write for Us Opportunity” with either your final article or your topic ideas
- Article should have at least 700 words
- Article’s topic has to be closely related to Architecture & City Planning (art, culture, buildings, transportation, city life, etc…) and other similar subjects
- Grammar should be impeccable
- Writing style should be smooth and friendly
- One copyright-free image should be included
- Links to authority sources are not required but highly encouraged
- If you want to, a do-follow link back to your website can be added (this step includes a publication fee – contact us to know more)
- Author bio is optional – you can either feature yourself as the author or we could publish it without credit as if we had written it ourselves, it’s up to you
If you agree to follow these guidelines then don’t hesitate to contact us – reach out to us today and we’ll be glad to work with you! Alternatively, you can also use the contact form below:
Keywords for possible writers to find us:
- architecture write for us / write for us architecture
- city planning write for us / write for us city planning
- united kingdom write for us / write for us united kingdom
- london write for us / write for us london
- culture write for us / write for us culture
- city write for us / write for us city
- magazine write for us / write for us magazine
- blog write for us / write for us blog
- architecture guest post / guest post architecture
- city planning guest post / guest post city planning
- united kingdom guest post / guest post united kingdom
- london guest post / guest post london
- culture guest post / guest post culture
- city guest post / guest post city
- magazine guest post / guest post magazine
- blog guest post / guest post blog
- submit a guest post / guest post submit
- guest post opportunity / guest post seo
- quality guest post / guest post site